Jace Henry Allenton
Apr 8, 2011 20:52:34 GMT -5
Post by jaceallenton on Apr 8, 2011 20:52:34 GMT -5
Jace Henry Allenton
[/b] Jace Henry AllentonNAME:
AGE:[/b]16 years old.
YEAR: sophomore
Maria(mother)- 47, is a teacher for children in third grade. Got pregnant at 17. Father currently unknown.
Steve(step father) 44, a chemical engineer, and him and Jace have a good relationship. Father to his sister, Janie.
Janie(sister) is 7 years old, and idols Jace.
Jace grew up with a single mother, who was proud and stubborn. Despite his dad's absence Jace grew up a happy boy with his mother. It never really bothered him that he never got to know his dad. When Steve came into the picture Jace was only 8, and Jace was glad to have a father figure around. The two bonded quickly.
Jace grew up with his female neighbor Devon, who for 5 years was just about in love with her. The two were almost the outcasts of the school together. Only a lot of people liked Jace. He was a joke-ster, and it was seriously hard to break his spirit.
Even as a kid Jace was a bit off. Jace loved the 80's and 90's and this made him extremely interested in the sort of retro sort of things. Other then that, Jace loved photography. There's never a moment where you can find him with out a camera on him, even if it's only one of those disposable ones (He loves them, ha ha)
When Devon moved away, Jace took it hard. For a while he fell into a slump where he felt a bit sad, but found his way into another group of friends he still talks to sometimes. Jace could always make friends easily, even as a kid.
[/b] Chocolate, books, 80's music, the color green, and socializing.APPEARANCE: Jace has long-ish hair, and normally is seen with tight pants (oh, yes!) a band tee-shirt from the 80's or 90's and converse. Jace has mousy brown hair, and pretty blue eyes. He's a bit tanned, but not overly doing it.
DISLIKES: Tests, snotty people, drama queens, jelly beans, and you tube videos that involve annoying oranges.
FEARS: Spiders, small spaces
SECRET: Jace still has his teddy bear from when he was five.
GOAL: To own his very own store
Jace loves taking pictures, and is a bit of a odd ball.
[/b] Eastern Time zone.EXPERIENCE: Hm...Around 4 years, take it or leave it. I've been around.
CHARACTERS: On here? Nah, but tons other places.
FOUND: Google
credits go to tweekPOP ! of CAUTION 2.0 <3